Hitting the Mark, Etc.

Rarely happens this way, but my calculations said I should get to the 2/3 point in the planned mass decrease on Thursday the 28th, and when I stepped on the scale before breakfast on Thursday…there it was.  40 down exactly.  Yay!   This means at least 20 to go (may overshoot by 5, for the sake Read More…

80 Acres Recovery

Went out yesterday to take pictures, and…didn’t look to be sure the SD card was in the camera.  “Took” a lot of pictures, none of them on the card.  So today, reprise of that, but the little frogs in the Fox waterhole didn’t show up.  SIGH.   Good day for pictures, though. Live oaks put out Read More…

It Didn’t Take Long…

…for an online “Fitness & Diet” guru (a RICH AND FAMOUS fitness & diet guru) to find a way to monetize the relatively new research backing up the “older people need more protein to maintain muscle mass” thing I was talking about earlier. You have to admire these guys and gals, at least for their Read More…

Rain Overnight

Almost 2 inches of rain yesterday and last night, which should have mostly soaked in (maybe not in the burn scar) since the grass coverage we’ve nurtured has increased resistance to flood and erosion.  Grass is really good at holding the soil and slowing moderate flow to slow: it cleans water and prevents damage.   So Read More…

Recovery In Progress

What you’re told, in the management books, is that after a planned fire, everything comes back just fine.  Wild fires tend to be hotter, get out of control faster, and do more damage because they occur in the hottest weather when fire departments hope to goodness no fires start.   There are enthusiasts for “prescribed fires.”  Read More…

Replanting Starts and Coyote II

This morning before breakfast, I coiled up an old battered hose from the yard, gathered the heavy-duty rake,  and headed for the burn scar to find the first place to start the replanting with the ten pounds of lovely, wonderful seed from Native American Seed Co.  https://www.seedsource.com/   that arrived yesterday while I was in the Read More…

35 Down: Small Celebration

Yesterday’s post walk weight was 150.6, exactly 35 pounds from the starting weight in mid-May.    And this morning, at the official before-breakfast weigh-in, the same.   (Sometimes I gain weight overnight without eating or drinking anything.  Last Monday, for instance.  But not this Monday.)   This takes me solidly below the “overweight” category on the BMI charts Read More…

Miracle Rain: Recovery Starts

Ten days after the fire, and two days since any rain–but the 1.75 (approx) inches had a wonderful effect and revealed that for some of the burnt areas, the burn didn’t go below the surface.   Image brightened to show the green bits more clearly Some areas are still all black, but some have little Read More…