45,000 words as of today at 3:30 pm. It was 40,000 when I left for WorldCon. It’s proceeding like a healthy story, throwing off complications that may or may not turn into subplots, casting its hooks backward into previous books to pull things together, and revealing new characters who are, so far, being interesting. Last Read More…
Month: August 2016
Home & Back at Work
Being away from the text for 10+ days let me look at it “clean” (more or less) and I needed to remind myself of details, so I spent most of the day’s work yesterday reading and editing the first 200 pages. That lopped over into today, as well. This isn’t anything like a final edit, Read More…
Tomorrow’s my last day to prep for the trip to WorldCon, so I will be staying offline and won’t be back here (I don’t think, anyway) for more than a week. So don’t worry. As long as the train doesn’t fall off a track into a river, or some idiot like the one in Fort Read More…
WorldCon Schedule
This is my Final Schedule for the 2016 WorldCon in Kansas City. Y’all come! As I have discovered previously that this theme (which I don’t have time to change anytime soon) is quite rigid about its cuts, and doesn’t observe line breaks above the cut, I’m chatting here so that maybe, just maybe, I can Read More…
Universes Interlude
“It doesn’t really look like you.” Teague, a tall, lanky fellow with yellowish brown-freckled skin and dubious colored eyes, is holding the cover art for the latest Vatta book. “Your official visa image doesn’t look much like you,” Ky says. She looks tired. “They got the bone structure right,” Rafe says. “It’s just the color–” Read More…
Cold Welcome Has Cover!
First look at the cover for Cold Welcome. I think it looks good and cold, all right. Unfortunately, it turns out this theme will not display the image at the top of the post–in fact won’t display it at all unless I write enough text to make it say “Read More.” Never mind: the cover Read More…
Wildlife Rescue (small)
I was walking back to the house today when I heard a sort of scuffling noise that seemed to be coming from the carport. It didn’t sound like an ordinary cat-noise, but I thought one of the idiot younglings might have gotten up in the engine compartment and then stuck there. Or even (not a Read More…
Copy Edits, Take 2
For me, working on copy edits means having all the following at hand (or just down the hall): dictionary, Chicago Manual of Style, directions and notes from publisher (I manage to screw up at least once anyway, but I try not to), the mechanical pencil (because it stays sharp) and a spare, and of course Read More…