Cold Welcome: Signs of Spring

Spring flowers are coming out here (including the non-native little white daffodil-shaped things) and not having a cold welcome from the weather at all.  Dandelions, a honeysuckle that flowers in winter and smells like lemon, swelling buds on all but the most wary trees and bushes.   So…what about Cold Welcome?  You’ve seen both the covers.  Read More…

Question for the Group

Suppose you are in opposition to the main characters.  Of course, you don’t think of yourself as a villain; you think of them as annoyances in the way of your Grand Plan.   But consider someone who (as is not unknown in the construction industry) is both a tough, hardnosed boss running a big business…and also Read More…


I  can now reveal the cover for the UK edition of COLD WELCOME (Orbit UK, April).   However, I have to write a few lines about it, before this particular WordPress theme will let me post an image and it may not be a good big one.  If this one looks small,  hop over to my Read More…

Notice of Change

My hosting service is closing down at the end of March.  I need to find a new hosting service, a new registrar, get everything backed up and transferred, ASAP.   As most of you know, getting that DNS change thing accomplished takes awhile (or can take awhile) and so there may be a gap in which Read More…

More Zeros, More Progress

There’ve been some hitches in the work on the book lately, but some reworking of sections this week seems to have unkinked things again.  Tonight I hit 110,000 words, and today’s words feel like good words rather than just “I have to make the wordage if it means writing I can’t think, I don’t know, Read More…