So. Copy Edits for Cold Welcome arrived Friday afternoon, and this morning I cleared off half the kitchen table and laid out my work space. Stack of unread pages. Place to put pages read. Dictionary. My Sekrit Decoder ring to details in the book. Removed Ego and put it in the fridge freezer (oh, come Read More…
Month: July 2016
Who Knew…
…that visa problems might still exist in the far future worlds science fiction writers write about? Surely future political entities will have better solutions than we have…won’t they? (Plot Daemon says “Bwah-ha-hah-hah-hah-haaaaa….”) And rules about who is really a citizen…and problems with missing paperwork…and what happens if you’re deported from your own planet and you Read More…
Why Does It Slow Down? (Tech Post)
One reason many people who start out wanting to write don’t go on with it is that they have lots of ideas, start writing and then…the story slows down. Or actually stops. They don’t know why. They don’t know that this is normal for many writers. They sure don’t know what to do about it. Read More…
And on, and on, and on….
I’m being bold and saying this is like old times. Not in the total wordage possible in a day, but in the way the story is unrolling before me, complete with sensory detail, character backgrounds, every scene offering attachment points for PlotStuff. It will run into trouble, somewhere in the next 30,000-40,000 words, if it Read More…
Numbers rolling on…
New Book topped 20,000 words today, a very good sign. It might have been another thousand words along, since I had a burst early in the week, but Thursday was a slack day in which various other problems intruded. Glad of the extra words in hand, I didn’t push today beyond what I needed to Read More…
Nose to the Grindstone
In the “where are we now?” category, the book is, as of today, at 16,000 words (still short fiction of the novelette or novella type) and 83 manuscript pages. The good news is that story is flowing. It’s going nonlinear in the “threaded plot” sense, as Aunt Grace, Rector of Defense, has just gotten home Read More…
So the good news is that the new one–still with no title ideas–just crossed the 10,000 word mark, and is presently on page 52. This is of course the very first draft, but it’s promising and it feels “right” so far. (Not every word and punctuation mark, but enough Story in the story to be Read More…