Back in the Saddle: Seventh Ride

The seventh ride came at the end of a long day, which began the day before by my starting a friend’s Christmas present pie later than I should’ve.  So after getting to bed after midnight (pies can take a hour to bake, and then another two hours to cool enough to cover without their condensing Read More…

Back in the Saddle, Ride Six

Today wasn’t foggy at dawn, both cooler and crisper.  I’m expecting a business-related delivery today, so wanted to ride early.  As always, getting ready took longer than expected but I was finally up on Rags.   Slightly more difficulty mounting, probably the result of my day off yesterday feeling icky and a slight remaining internal wobble.  Read More…

Back in the Saddle: Fifth Ride

Tuesday’s ride completed the first week of work under saddle for Ragtime.   He’s now fine with the ride length of 15 minutes.  It was a lovely ride (again), this time up the east side of the dry woods,  with only one hesitant moment from Rags, when he heard Tigger calling from the barn area.  But Read More…

Back in the Saddle, Ride Four

Today was cloudy and kind of windy,  and I didn’t ride until the afternoon.  As if my getting on a horse made the clouds part, the weather changed abruptly and it turned sunny–a bit hazy, but not cloudy.  Too warm for my warmer riding tights, so I wore the lightweight denim ones.   Sure enough, Rags Read More…

Back in the Saddle, Day Two

I managed to mount from the rock block yesterday, and though dismounting still required assistance (more practice on the western saddle on its sturdy rack should help!)  and ride Rags for the very short amble around that is what he needs at this stage of coming back into work.  He thought ten minutes was five Read More…

Soup Again

It’s time to make winter soups again.  The ingredients for a good hefty winter soup are now in the house, and the beans–which always before I measured only by volume, 4 cups for a full batch in the 12 quart pot–I also weighed, this time.   One pound, eleven point three ounces.   Very close to one Read More…