The last of the cleanup (though not all the reorganization) from Thanksgiving has been accomplished, and Author is back on the job. The new book stands at just over 94,000 words now (some days lost to the holiday.) Various components of the feast are already packaged and in the freezer. Other components await deconstruction, division, Read More…
Month: November 2016
Notice of Absence
Thanksgiving is about to happen again. There’s a table you can’t see behind the people on the right of the picture below. This year both tables will be almost full; I’m expecting 17 or 18. Therefore we will be, from yesterday when it started, preparing for Thanksgiving. Turkeys and ham are in-house now. More groceries Read More…
The Great Rush
So plot bombs often have the effect of shoving a story forward a little faster for awhile. This one is accelerating at a significant number of Gs. I hadn’t anticipated earlier that X would do what X did, and that was a last week’s surprise, but hardly a plot bomb. But then the plot bomb Read More…
Plot Bomb! Wheee!
I think today’s is the first real, full-on plot bomb of the new book. There I was, typing away about Ky being at mmph, doing urrmph, and then suddenly it came. Fast and hard, so fast that I had only a couple of seconds of knowing what I was going to type and thinking, as Read More…
City Mouse in the Country
Though no one would be likely to call Rafe a mouse, he’s not a large man, and his background is mostly city life on a populous, very civilized (in its estimation anyway) planet. He is familiar with, and extremely capable in handling, life on the run, life on a space station, life in a spaceship, Read More…
Derailment and Back on Track
Sometimes two projects cooperate. The main line runs smoothly on Track One, and the little branch line uses Track Two. Or, if there is no Track Two, it uses Track One when the main line isn’t using it, and otherwise uses the sidings so the main line can pass it again. This is easiest if Read More…