I found out only this afternoon that the omnibus edition of THE DEED OF PAKSENARRION is out of stock, and being retired (after 25 very successful years in print!!) so that the debut of the 30th anniversary of edition of Sheepfarmer’s Daughter (to be followed at intervals by Divided Allegiance and Oath of Gold) can Read More…
Category: Into the Fire
Copy Edits!
Copy edits arrived this morning. The work space is set up now, with dictionary and Chicago Manual of Style at hand, and several sharp pencils. This is the *next to last* step for me (checking page proofs is the last) and one that’s very important. Even so, if you find a typo in the final Read More…
Next Step
Next INTO THE FIRE duty will be copy edits–they should arrive here at the end of September and I need to get them back to the publisher before October 13. Thank goodness for overnight package service!!! Between now and then I will be working on the introductions for the new edition of the original three Read More…
We have a go…
Editor has accepted the rewrite, and handed the manuscript off to Production. I will have to deal with the copy edits, but after that I can schedule eye and dental appointments without worrying that something will get in the way…at least not from that book. I’m back from DragonCon, which was its usual busy, crowded, Read More…
Is It Done Done, or Half-Done?
Only the Editor knows for sure. But I hope it’s done done and gone, because after a time a book being worked on has definitely lost its savor for the writer. Sent it off yesterday. There wasn’t dancing in the street, because I was stiff from sitting at the computer for hours a day and Read More…
Back to the Drawing Board
Editor has requested some more changes. Work is in progress. I am still in confused mode, since my brain had moved on to “project manager for renovations in the house we bought to provide rental property for our son when we croak.” That house–which we have owned for just a hair over a month–now has Read More…
At Last…
Last night I finished the editorial rewrite for INTO THE FIRE (I know, you’re saying FINALLY! in the same tone I did) and as always the book is better after a reworking. It’s a little shorter, it’s got more stuff IN it, and my brain is certifiably toasted to a crisp, very brown around the Read More…
We have Cover: Into the Fire
I can’t lead with the picture in this blog (for reasons of this theme, not any other restriction…if I put the picture first, there’s a big blank. So…I will tell you a little bit about it before you see it. It’s not a scene from the book, exactly–they wanted it to be more SFnal and Read More…
Why Writers Should Read Their Own Books….
…even after publication. Before, for instance, turning in the next book (if at all possible.) At least read the old manuscript file. Because otherwise a person who thinks she knows *exactly* what the end of the previous book was like (after all, it’s the last thing she revised, and proofread, and sent off to Editor) Read More…
Audio Book & Other Stuff
This week I learned that Brittany Pressley will be narrating the audiobook of COLD WELCOME. She emailed me about characters, pronunciation of names, etc. , and I may have drowned her with information (writer of long novels. Not really good at the elevator pitch.) I also heard from Audible’s Author Care, which has suggestions about Read More…