When the Magic Works

Yes, I know, it’s a science fiction blog, not a fantasy blog, but sometimes when things finally go right after a struggle, it’s tempting to equate great skill with magic.    Things were not working out for reasons that–it turned out–had nothing to do with my stuff, Ruta who built the sites and customized the blog themes,  Karen who took over maintenance and started on the moving process,  and a great deal to do with Other Persons Somewhere Else than where things are now.  Being deliberately obscure here, though I’m about to be more specific.   And since on my computer the image at the top looks squinched, if it looks squinched on yours that’s something that can be fixed later.   The important bit is: all sites with their blogs are moved to new servers, up and running, and you should experience no gaps in access from here on (of course, if you do, email me.)   Some other behind the curtains stuff is still happening, but should not affect your experience, until we do some cosmetic work.

So–coming out of the obscurity–I want to thank the people who helped with the transition:  SFF.net’s stellar staff, Steve and Jeffry,  my new-since-last-summer web-guru Karen, and last but WAY not least Anne Yates-Laberge (anne226@gmail.com), who dove into the difficulties caused by Other Persons Somewhere Else, deftly yanked things loose from the Somewhere Else and got them all tidied into their new home and functioning.   If you want/need help with a website, moving a website, hosting a website, etc, I recommend Anne.  Karen and I were both getting punchy from the struggles with Somewhere Else’s tech support.

Meanwhile,  COLD WELCOME has had some nice early reviews which  I haven’t had time to post (need to go back and look at editor’s emails to find them) and INTO THE FIRE is very close (I know I said that before….)   There’s only one more real fence to jump on the way to the finish.  WHEW.

So all in all a great birthday, with the move done and a good birthday lunch under my (expanding) belt.  Now to finish INTO THE FIRE and learn all the rest of the music for Lent and Holy Week (!!!!)

8 thoughts on “When the Magic Works

    1. Richard Simpkin: That’s how I feel this morning, despite also tired & creaky (as when you sleep on one side too long and the hip says “You want me to WHAT?” when you get up.)

      Chris in South Jersey: I completely understand. Both situations when fine magic would have been most appropriate and the nonappreciation of the boss for same.

  1. In my 20 years of working in Air Force comm, FM (fine magic) would have been the most appropriate fix action on many outages. However, not one that the boss would appreciate.

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