Reorganization, And Other Delights

Reorganization began last year with my office.  This year the amazing Kate (who has helped me do what I couldn’t on my own, and also untangled tech problems that I couldn’t do that either) accomplished three times as much in several months, while I worked on my writing (mostly) and she did the heavy lifting Read More…

First Chili of Fall

The first chili of fall was actually last week, when we had a cool spell and I made chili for HouseGuest KS-, who documented it with her camera so she could make it up in upstate NY.   It was good, but as always when I haven’t made it for awhile, the next batch is better Read More…

Joys of Research

I was goofing off (bad writer, but I wrote until well after midnight last night, so stale to start this morning) and ran across the latest show-offy & disgusting post by Trump about his upcoming visit to the Fulton County Jail to get “arrested for having the audacity to challenge a rigged and stollen (his Read More…

ArmadilloCon Report

Had a lot of fun at ArmadilloCon being an “ordinary” con-goer and not on programming (which I used to enjoy a lot, but it does take coming into it with ample energy in reserve…<G>)   Met old friends, made some new ones, had time to wander the Art Show without feeling I was about to be Read More…

Basics of Writing: Words

The right words in the right order….the foundation of every phrase, every sentence, every paragraph, page, chapter, volume…is made of words.   In speech, the dictionary meaning of words is often less important than the physical speaker’s visual and auditory presence:  facial expression, not just one but several in sequence..gesture and posture–again, not just individually but Read More…

An Abundance of WORDS & Progress

Day before yesterday, the day after Deeds of Youth‘s birthday, I had a call from my agent, with the latest group of suggestions for Horngard I.   They sounded like good suggestions to me, and doable, and the practice of completing several short stories since the April 29  head whack had proved that the plot-module had Read More…


Not Monday.  Never was Monday.  Was always Tuesday.  Apparently my brain added an extra day into the week between Friday and Monday, to make Monday the 18th *this* time. So Deeds of Youth comes live as an e-book on TUESDAY, which really is the 18th, and that’s when the Print on Demand pb can also Read More…

Show & Tell: Library Event

Later today, I’m off to Copperas Cove Public Library for an event featuring area writers.  Among the show & tell is my friend David Watson’s new book,  Tunguska Terror,  first of the Aero Rangers series.   David can’t be there, but the librarian will present a short reading from it.  David read me a bit from Read More…