Page Proofs: The Last Step

So the page proofs are *almost* out the door (one more day…)  and as usual a small number of errors have shown up.   Sometimes things that are changed in the copy-edits stage don’t make it into the final version that’s typeset and that’s WHY page proofs are important.  Sometimes something slips by all the previous Read More…

Brief LifeStuff Update

As far as one can tell, less than a week into the process, the meds for Lyme Disease seem to be doing something positive for the one obvious, and one less obvious, sign of the disease: the bulls-eye rash and the headache that (given the weather and my head’s usual reaction to it) might have Read More…

A Sloth Day

The combination of weather, two nights without sufficient sleep, and no nap yesterday have produced a strong desire to fall in a heap.  Or move very…very…slooooowly.  Weather has been interesting–usually is, in a Texas May, unless we’re deep in drought when it’s not just boring but scary with real summer coming on (100F degrees in Read More…

RSS Feeds

There’ve been questions about RSS feed(s).   On the sidebar on the right, down at the bottom, there’s a section headed “Meta.”  There they are.  I feel really…unobservant, if not stupid, for not noticing that before.  My web guru, when I asked her to add RSS, pointed out they already existed.   Hope this helps!

The List

Every construction project comes with a list of remaining things to do before the owner signs off on it…this one too.  Getting the browser tab to show anything  is…being difficult.  Some interior links are being constructed (separate issue.) And larger on my list than this are the book revisions, so I’m signing off for awhile.  Read More…

A Brief Note on the Next Book

Cold Welcome is  set in the Vatta Universe, with some of the familiar characters from Vatta’s War and a sizeable cast of new ones.    It’s currently in revision, Editor having found many ways to improve it.   In the interim between sending it in and getting Editor’s Letter,  other things piled up on the desk and Read More…

Welcome to Universes

Welcome…come on in, find a seat, or just stand there by the hundred meter viewport and gaze upon the immensity you traversed to arrive here. Where is this?    Why wasn’t it listed on your travel documents? The exact coordinates are indeterminate, but don’t worry–the structure’s sound.   On navigation terminals, this is Waystation Huygens, a transportation Read More…