150,000+ And Fireworks

This afternoon, a particular sentence pushed the NewBook length to the approximate, estimated length for a Paksworld book, and I went seriously giddy, made a pan of brownies, and asked R- to go get us fried chicken for supper, and ice cream to go with the brownies. Snippet here: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… “By dark, he had achieved, Read More…

The End’s In Sight: 141,000

NewBook is still accelerating, or rather trying to, since I just cannot type any faster any longer without the machine (the one that’s living on dark chocolate and junk food on top of a healthy diet just to keep the fires going) breaking down. It’s *almost* like being 30 years or more younger and able Read More…

Yeah, It’s a Book. But Is It a Series?

Current-to-the-minute (but not for long) length of NewBook is 119,243 words.   Still moving ahead strongly, though with some things that will be tightened and a few that will be cut, most likely.    It now feels like it’s more than halfway through *this* part, but not through “the whole story.”  Which means it’s definitely part of Read More…

One Hundred Thousand (and 688)

Words, that is.  NewBook hit 100,000 words yesterday morning at about 1:15 am (I was so close I couldn’t just quit and go to be, in the 98-99 thousands, could I?  No. Celebratory snippets:  1)  Camwyn’s first meeting with Aesil M’dierra For the next two turns of the glass, he was by turns surprised, alarmed, Read More…

7 Days of Progress

More like 6 1/2 days if my finger-counting’s right.  It’s noon on Saturday, July 2.   Crossed the 35,000 frontier this morning.  May or may not get to 36,000 by tonight.  Yesterday didn’t make a lot of movement in wordage (some in the “notes”) because I drove into the city, bought some stuff at Dover, went Read More…


So, I’m officially started on another book.   The next Vatta book having stalled in a way I just can’t seem to fix, my agent suggested doing something else, and what came to me was an idea from Paksworld.   Once I started it, it took off (as did the Vatta book for the first part) but Read More…

Ride 21: Validation

As some of you will remember from posts on Facebook (when I could still get there)…the concussion I had in 2018 came from being bucked off by Mocha, a mare I had recently bought but not yet ridden (except that first brief ride with her former owner there)  on the day she tossed me head Read More…

80 Acres–Other Views of Fall

Views of the grass to woods margin: I was north of Center Walk, where the Indiangrass had stopped, and the only tallgrass is Little Bluestem.  The purple thistle-y looking plants aren’t thistles at all, but Eryngo, which is related to pineapple.  Distantly.  The grass has greened up after six-tenths of an inch of rain night Read More…

The Joys of Post-Midnight Character Intrusions

Sometime last night between 3:30 and 4 am, or maybe it was three….I woke up.  There’s the usual “Do I have to get to the bathroom right now or can I have another bit of sleep first” but that issue didn’t seem urgent…what did was being wide awake.  WIDE awake.  I tried my usual “drift Read More…