
Many of you know David Watson as Don Iolo in the SCA, white-scarf rapier fencer, crossbow maker, storyteller, lute player, all-around great friend and good companion.  Many of you also know him via my various newsgroups and blogs over the years, and those who know him in person know he’s got a background in history beyond what you’d expect of an SCA enthusiast.  Mention “battleships” and his eyes light up even more.  He’s been working on writing for some years now, and his first book is coming out August 1, this year, 2023.   Handy, since he’s going to ArmadilloCon in Austin the first (?) weekend in August.

If you like ripping yarns set after the end of WWI, involving veterans looking for respite and excitement both, leftover weaponry, political upheavals (Russian Revolution, anyone?), the Tunguska Event,  giant flying monsters…and MORE…in a pulp/steampunk sort of crossover…get ready for the Aero Rangers to confront The Tunguska Terror.   What really happened to leave all those trees lying flat?  It’s the first of a projected (and partly written) series of adventures with the Aero Rangers.

If you’re going to be at ArmadilloCon this year, be sure to meet David and have a chat with him.



9 thoughts on “Introducing…

    1. Because it’s not been released yet, and it’s from a UK small publisher who probably isn’t known to the big river. I’ll post when it’s actually released.

  1. The big river’s UK site does list it, but as “currently unavailable”. To find it, spell Aero Rangers as two words in the search box.

    1. The book has been released (since July, but I only now thought to go check) and is available on the big river (UK site, though maybe not on the US one).

  2. Talking of history, a book you may enjoy is British Horse and Pony Breeds – and their future, by Clive Richardson.
    I’m currently reading it, having picked it up in my local library, and it is so interesting I’ve ordered a second hand copy from Amazon. Lots of history and economics as well as horses.
    My sister breeds Dales ponies and we grew up with various native ponies, so I’m fairly well informed on horse stuff, nevertheless this book is fascinating and I’m planning to persuade my non-horsy brothers to read it too.

  3. Ah, the weather. Came close, never rained on us. Lightning, thunder, and once, late at night, BIG roaring winds (found torn off leaves and twigs in the morning) after a storm passed by us NE. I heard the wind roaring in distant trees, and stayed up until it had gone quiet…I could feel the change in air pressure, and the draft from the window near me…while it was blowing.

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