Back in the Saddle, Day Two

I managed to mount from the rock block yesterday, and though dismounting still required assistance (more practice on the western saddle on its sturdy rack should help!)  and ride Rags for the very short amble around that is what he needs at this stage of coming back into work.  He thought ten minutes was five Read More…

Hitting the Mark, Etc.

Rarely happens this way, but my calculations said I should get to the 2/3 point in the planned mass decrease on Thursday the 28th, and when I stepped on the scale before breakfast on Thursday…there it was.  40 down exactly.  Yay!   This means at least 20 to go (may overshoot by 5, for the sake Read More…

Rain Overnight

Almost 2 inches of rain yesterday and last night, which should have mostly soaked in (maybe not in the burn scar) since the grass coverage we’ve nurtured has increased resistance to flood and erosion.  Grass is really good at holding the soil and slowing moderate flow to slow: it cleans water and prevents damage.   So Read More…

The Joys of Post-Midnight Character Intrusions

Sometime last night between 3:30 and 4 am, or maybe it was three….I woke up.  There’s the usual “Do I have to get to the bathroom right now or can I have another bit of sleep first” but that issue didn’t seem urgent…what did was being wide awake.  WIDE awake.  I tried my usual “drift Read More…

NewBook, Sausage Balls, and the Real World

NewBook has lost 10K words as I’ve read my way carefully through it, distracted far too often by phone-spam, weather, and of course politics. Most of the 10K were inline with recommendations from early readers, and leave room for tightening the plot.   However, one of the other annoying aftermaths of the concussion is that when Read More…

Goat TV, Horse Entertainment

It was warmer this afternoon and the horses whinnied eagerly when I came into the barn to mix up their supper, voicing their usual complaint that I am the slowest supper-preparing human on the planet, and my hideously slow prep means they could starve to death, falling in a heap of bones, if I don’t Read More…

That Hated Supplement…

Remember awhile back when Tigger was not…NOT…NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS…going to eat anything tainted by one single grain of his new very expensive supplement?  Remember that I used a carrot chopped into molasses and mixed with water and the supplement and then stirred into his feed and he still tossed his head, swished his Read More…

Snow Ponies

Sunday, January 10, we had 3-4 inches of snow.  At times it was fairly heavy.  Ragtime and Tigger decided that snow wasn’t worth standing in the barn for, though they had come in for breakfast when it was still a mix of cold rain and sleet. But snow?  The boys thought that being snow ponies Read More…