Once Again…

NewBook I has had a partial read by Agent now, and I called to find out what his reaction was so far (about 1/3 through it.)   Still some concerns, things to work on, so I’m back in revision mode sort of,  hoping to also get back to work on NewBook II while it still has Read More…

Over in Paksworld

There are presently three excerpts of a “side story” from way back–re-created in the past month, because I lost the original of it.  Kieri Phelan’s first independent command with his little contingent of one cohort…and since the rest of the army he’s with is either the Tsaian Royal Guard or feudal levies from Tsaian nobles, Read More…

7 Days of Progress

More like 6 1/2 days if my finger-counting’s right.  It’s noon on Saturday, July 2.   Crossed the 35,000 frontier this morning.  May or may not get to 36,000 by tonight.  Yesterday didn’t make a lot of movement in wordage (some in the “notes”) because I drove into the city, bought some stuff at Dover, went Read More…