Who Knew…

…that visa problems might still exist in the far future worlds science fiction writers write about?  Surely future political entities will have better solutions than we have…won’t they?   (Plot Daemon says “Bwah-ha-hah-hah-hah-haaaaa….”)   And rules about who is really a citizen…and problems with missing paperwork…and what happens if you’re deported from your own planet and you Read More…

And on, and on, and on….

I’m being bold and saying this is like old times.  Not in the total wordage possible in a day, but in the way the story is unrolling before me, complete with sensory detail, character backgrounds, every scene offering attachment points for PlotStuff.    It will run into trouble, somewhere in the next 30,000-40,000 words, if it Read More…


So the good news is that the new one–still with no title ideas–just crossed the 10,000 word mark, and is presently on page 52.    This is of course the very first draft, but it’s promising and it feels “right” so far.  (Not every word and punctuation mark, but enough Story in the story to be Read More…

Where Does It Start?

Where it starts in the long run is a place that Editor and I agree is a good starting place, but where it starts in OurTime is like this, something that may not ever be in the final version.   The house is brick, weathered brick, with vines on it, though not all over.  The front Read More…

Backing Up a Little

Cold Welcome is not the first book in the Vatta Universe, so the new book has under it the foundation built by Vatta’s War.   Yet it needs to be understandable to new readers without their having to buy the first five books.  This is not meant to discourage anyone from buying the first five books Read More…