The Story Continues to Grow

45,000 words as of today at 3:30 pm.   It was 40,000 when I left for WorldCon.   It’s proceeding like a healthy story, throwing off complications that may or may not turn into subplots, casting its hooks backward into previous books to pull things together, and revealing new characters who are, so far, being interesting.  Last Read More…

Copy Edit Time

So.   Copy Edits for Cold Welcome arrived Friday afternoon, and this morning I cleared off half the kitchen table and laid out my work space.  Stack of unread pages.  Place to put pages read.  Dictionary.   My Sekrit Decoder ring to details in the book.   Removed Ego and put it in the fridge freezer (oh, come Read More…

And on, and on, and on….

I’m being bold and saying this is like old times.  Not in the total wordage possible in a day, but in the way the story is unrolling before me, complete with sensory detail, character backgrounds, every scene offering attachment points for PlotStuff.    It will run into trouble, somewhere in the next 30,000-40,000 words, if it Read More…