A few more science accounts to follow on Twitter. Fascinating views of our planet from space, and how these data are used down below: https://twitter.com/NASAEarthData. Fascinating views of dwarf planet Ceres: https://twitter.com/NASA_Dawn. Variety of interesting geological bits and pieces at the US Geological Service account; today it’s induced seismicity. https://twitter.com/USGS
Interested in monarch migration? Join the many many observers of Journey North and report your sightings on Twitter. https://twitter.com/journeynorthorg
FREE MAP MONDAY at USGS Store: https://twitter.com/USGSstore Retweet their tweet about it for a chance to win a map of the geology of the Solar System. Did you even know there was such a map??? When I was a kid, there was no such thing. And Ceres wasn’t a dwarf planet yet, but Pluto had the full planetary designation.
Gotta go back to work on the book.