A Sloth Day

The combination of weather, two nights without sufficient sleep, and no nap yesterday have produced a strong desire to fall in a heap.  Or move very…very…slooooowly.  Weather has been interesting–usually is, in a Texas May, unless we’re deep in drought when it’s not just boring but scary with real summer coming on (100F degrees in May with no rain presages a horrible summer.)

This year we’re having storms and rain.  I have new rubber boots (the rubber boots bought earlier failed the first time I stepped into water, rather than just damp grass.  These have so far leaked much less.  You would think, rubber-boot-manufacturers, that you’d realize rubber boots are purchased to keep feet dry, not to lure people into walking through water only to get wet.)

But anyway, though I had planned to drive down to the yarn shop that’s only 35 miles away (as opposed to the one that’s 50 miles away) to pick up yarn they special-ordered for me.   I feel sluggish, with stuffed sinuses and an incipient headache.  It’s about 80, intermittent sun peaking through the clouds, and the humidity…they say 70% but the actual station is about 20-25 miles away.  Right here it’s “squeeze the air, get water” humid.

So I will knit with the yarn I have (not a tiny amount, either.)

7 thoughts on “A Sloth Day

  1. The agony of not adding to the stash! Knitting however is the perfect therapeutic rainy day occupation. (I’m currently working on a boring respectable pair of black socks. There are some occasions when giddy stripes are not appropriate!)

  2. I was going to knit a boring respectable pair of black socks (even bought the yarn) but am now having enough vision problems that I need brighter colors to knit efficiently. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Also, at over 70, if I want to wear giddy stripes…I will wear giddy stripes. I’m thinking of knitting a designated pair of loud striped socks (the way women used to sew their shrouds, or a burial dress) to be put on my feet when I die, just to shock the funeral home staff.

    If I have to wear black socks again (e.g. when in concert blacks) I’ll borrow a pair of my husband’s dress socks. But that’s unlikely, so…”STRIPE ON!”

  3. Out of the office for work at a convention, so I’m watching the weather channel more right now. Looks like you’re going to be having plenty of time to knit in the next few days. Hope the lights stay on for you and the field drains the water away properly.

    1. Daniel: I made it to the yarn store that had a special order for me, getting rained on coming and going (it’s 30+ miles) and now it’s steadily raining with periodic cloud-to-cloud lightning and thunder. So if the lights stay on, I’ll be able to knit and read. For which YAY!

      Jazzlet: This is a much longer period of connected storms than we normally have, but since I’m now taking medication for Lyme disease, and am supposed to stay out of the sun, the rain saves me from fighting the temptation to risk riding my bike in the sun. And there’s always knitting . I had ordered some more Mountain Colors yarn months go and it finally came in, so I drove down today in the rain and picked it up. And also (because, as with a bookstore, I can never get just what I came in for) two skeins of Cascade 220 in a color I’d considered but wasn’t sure of. in real life, it was that pretty. I now have way too much yarn again and need to knit steadily for months before buying any at all. (At full speed, if I were doing nothing else, I can knit 12 pairs of regular socks and 7 pairs of short socks in a year. That uses up 24 100 oz skeins. I have WAY more than 24 skeins of yarn right now. So we’re talking years of production before I run out. Today’s haul was 10 skeins…5 pairs of regular socks plus enough yarn (if I used just it) for 2 1/2 pairs of short socks. But it’s so pretty.

  4. I finally visited the wool shop I have been buying from on line, as they had a sale. I was restrained, but I have bought some 50/50 wool/cotton to start my long planned cable sampler blanket. Not that I have statred it yet, was hoping to get to the first square today, but that may not be feasible considering what else must be done.

    I too hope you are not suffering badly from what do sound like horrendous storms.

  5. Three Toed? I thought your socks were for five toed people.

    You have to just endure the weather –

    Very pleasant up here in New Hampshire.

    1. Jonathan: My socks are for five-toed people but I don’t do the “five knit toes on the end” thing. It’s all one. Keeps ’em warmer.

      Bookwyrm: I think the great wave of Kathy/Cathy/Kathleen/Katherine/Catherine came alone after me by a few years, although we did have a Katy who probably started out as Kathleen (her family was Irish.) We also had a lot of Marys.

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