Previous photo gallery pages
March 12, 2008 - horses, Richard cleaning pump, lesser goldfinch, sparrows, cardinals
February 19, 2008 - gray fox, sparrow, Grapevine Epimenis moth, bee
November 16, 2007 - raccoon
September 25, 2007 - dragonfly, spider, butterflies, owlfly,cattle
September 16, 2007 - frogs, skink, moth, butterfly, plants, screw through leaf
September 8, 2007 - water, cardinal, warblers, woodpecker, damselflie, melonette fruit, tiger swallowtail
September 3, 2007 - water tanks, fish, frog, waterthrush, Wilson's warbler
July 15, 2007 - horses, water, dragonfies, damselflies, black swallowtail, Reakert's Blue
July 7, 2007 - water, dragonfly, wildflowers, milkweed, persimmon fruit, storm clouds
June 30, 2007 - flood debris, dragonflies, ash-throated flycatcher, flowers
June 23, 2007 - butterflies, dragonfly, damselfly, flowers, frog, Illusion
May 28, 2007 - butterflies, lemon horsemint, dragonflies, damselflies, frog
May 20, 2007 - Texas Toothleaf, water, meadows, trails, monarchs
May 12, 2007 - dogbane beetle, cactus flower, damselfly, painted buntings, spittlebug, coneflower
May 6, 2007 - wildflowers, butterflies, dragonflies, rabbit
April 28, 2007 - wildflowers, butterflies,
blue-winged teal, painted bunting
April 22, 2007 - wildflowers, butterflies,
northern cricket frog, dragonflies, turtle, water
April 14, 2007 - clearwing moth, butterflies,
Easter snow, Drummond wild onion, coral honeysuckle
April 8, 2007 - scarlet buckeye, rusty
blackhaw, yellow evening primrose, butterflies, moth, dragonfly
April 1, 2007 - water on the land, northern
cricket frog, ragweed, speedwell, redbud, snail shells
March 24, 2007 - Texas spiny lizard, green
anole, butterflies, agarita, lichen
March 17, 2007 - turtles, butterflies (Henry's
elfin and others), flowers, creek
March 10, 2007 - Mexican plum, redbud,
windflower, moths, butterflies, song sparrow, loggerhead shrike
February 27, 2007 - sandhill cranes,
honeysuckle, Mexican plum, scarlet buckeye, question-mark butterfly, Bewick's wren, cardinal,
February 17, 2007 - flies, cardinals,
black-crested titmouse, lesser goldfinch
February 10, 2007 - elbowbush buds &
flowers, fly, black vultures, creek
February 4, 2007 - lichens, Texas persimmon
bark, algae, butterfly, cardinal, moon, horses
January 27, 2007 -water on the land
January 20, 2007 -cardinal, goldfinches,
January 13, 2007 -frogs, cedar waxwing, sumac
buds, Mexican plum, lichens
January 6, 2007 - roofwasher, lichens,
butterfly, nightshade berries, cardinal, Harris's sparrow, winter grass, sunset sunbow
December 30, 2006 - lichens, cardinal,
woodpecker, yellow-rumped warbler, sandhill cranes, feathers, rusty-blackhaw viburnum,
December 23, 2006 - cardinal, Harris's sparrow,
Carolina wren, lesser goldfinch, field sparrow, squirrel, butterflies, little bluestem
December 17, 2006 - northern harrier,
orange-crowned warbler, cardinal, Harris's sparrow, ruby-crowned kinglet, butterflies,
December 9, 2006 - variegated fritillary,
cardinals, prickly pear, cedar waxwings, Harris's sparrow, savannah sparrow, yellow-rumped
December 4, 2006 - all birds: goldfinches,
robin, yellow-rumped warbler, Harris's sparrow, house finches, bluejay
November 26, 2006 - flameleaf sumac, possumhaw
berries, sparrows (Harris's, Lincoln's), flicker, thrasher
November 19, 2006 - quail, sparrows (savannah,
Harris's, song, fox, white-throated), spotted towhee, flicker, woodpecker, junco
November 13, 2006 - milkweed, vesta crescent,
robin, white-crowned sparrow, eastern phoebe, song sparrows, dainty sulphur
November 6, 2006 - robin, blue jay, Am. snouts,
ruby-crowned kinglet, meadowhawks, butterfly, fall colors
October 28, 2006 - snakes
October 23, 2006 - white-crowned sparrow,
dickcissel, fiery skipper, fall grasses
October 14, 2006 - confusing fall warblers,
fall flowers, dragonflies, damselfly
October 3, 2006 - prickly pear cacti, pitcher
sage, dragonflies, Lincoln's sparrow, grasses, Owl Pavilion deck
September 24, 2006 - falcon, pitcher sage,
dickcissel, squirrel, streaky-skipper, Wilson's warbler
September 16, 2006 -eryngo, butterfly,
dragonfly, Wilson's warbler, Swainson's thrush, lark sparrow, green anole
September 9, 2006 - yellow warbler, dickcissel,
white-eyed vireo, dragonflies, robberfly, leopard frogs
September 3, 2006 - Birds - orchard orioles,
cardinal, finch, chickadee
August 27, 2006 - Birds - flycatcher, painted
buntings, orchard orioles, cardinal, mockingbird, warbler
August 20, 2006 - Owl pavilion water feature,
juvenile painted buntings, skipper, sunset
August 13, 2006 - dry meadow, big bluestem, Owl
pavilion, roseate skimmers, robberfly with dragonfly
July 31, 2006 - dry pasture, horse in barn,
dragonflies, damselfly, water lily, seedheads, flower
July 24, 2006 - Queen butterfly, painted
bunting, squirrel, toad, damselfly
July 17, 2006 - party, cicada, leopard frog,
dragonflies, damelflies
July 9, 2006 - armadillo, skull, Illusion,
rain, sunset, fence
July 2, 2006 - Owl Pavilion waterer
construction, hawk, damselfly, butterfly, lizard
June 25, 2006 - all roadrunner, beep
June 18, 2006 - roadrunner, dragonflies, creek,
green bug
June 11, 2006 - setwings, dragonlets, neon
skimmer, butterfly, toad
June 4, 2006 - owlfly, robber flies, flowers,
skipperling, setwing, prairie racerunner
May 28, 2006 - butterflies, water strider,
tadpole, crayfish, caterpillar, Michael's graduation
May 21, 2006 - wet manuscript, prickly pear,
house finch, lantana, greenthread, bug, airplane
May 14, 2006 - waterlilies, dragonflies,
lizards, painted bunting, mourning dove
May 7, 2006 - dragonflies,damselflies,
red-headed woodpecker, swamp, clear-wing moth
April 30, 2006 - dragonflies, flowers, snail,
April 23, 2006 - frog, eyed click beetle,
baskettail, scissor-tailed flycatcher
April 16, 2006 - birds, butterflies, cactus
flowers, anole
April 9, 2006 - wildflowers, ladybug,
baskettail, beefly
April 2, 2006 - butterflies, wild onions,
finches, pine siskins
March 19, 2006 - scarlet buckeye, citrine
forktail, sparrows fluffed out
March 19, 2006 - cloud, scarlet buckeye, water
strider, white iris
March 12, 2006 - flowers, butterflies, birthday
March 5, 2006 - elbowbush and bee, tadpole,
birds, buckeye butterfly
February 26, 2006 - honesuckle, pear fungus,
goldfinch, cardinal
February 19, 2006 - rainbarn, kestrel,
February 12, 2006 - rainbarn
February 5, 2006 - young crayfish and predator
signs, Richard and rainbarn, mating butterflies
January 29, 2006 - fixing dented rainwater
tank, rain, sunset
January 22, 2006 - dented rainwater tank, cedar
January 15, 2006 - bobwhite quail, Carolina
January 8, 2006 - Lincoln's sparrow, cardinal,
squirrel, robins, finches
January 1, 2006 - woodpecker, sparrows,
towhees, sunset
December 18, 2005 - rain barn, deer, harrier,
Lincoln's sparrow
December 11, 2005 - birds, ice, histogram
December 4, 2005 - fall colors, myrtle warbler,
November 27, 2005 - white-crowned sparrows,
fall colors
November 20, 2005 - Thanksgiving, John's truck,
November 13, 2005 - common spreadwing, autumn
November 6, 2005 - fall colors, green anole,
October 30, 2005 - spiders
October 23, 2005 - bee, monarch butterflies,
October 16, 2005 - dew on spiderwebs and
plants, Cleo on fence
October 9, 2005 - tadpole, grasshoppers,
October 2, 2005 - dragonflies, praying mantis,
caterpillar, butterflies
September 25, 2005 - deer, Texas spiny lizard,
caterpillar, butterflies, spider
September 18, 2005 - gerardia, flowers,
spiderweb, flameleaf sumac berries
September 11, 2005 - cardinal, painted bunting,
Cleo, close-up flower
September 4, 2005 - carousel in York, Skipton
August 28, 2005 - Ilkley photos
August 21, 2005 - mourning dove, hawk,
chickadee, Bewick's wren
August 14, 2005 - Illusion, squirrel, water
garden, bumblebee, gray insect, grasshoppers
August 7, 2005 - clouds
July 31, 2005 - views of the land |